In RSAT, when I click run, this pop-up appears:
If I click Yes, then it throws this error:
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.Helpers.BrowserHelper.DownloadBrowserDriver(String message, String url, String fileName, Func`2 confirmationAction)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.Helpers.BrowserHelper.CheckChromeDriver(String chromeDriverPath, Func`2 confirmationAction)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.Helpers.BrowserHelper.DownloadBrowserDriver(DefaultBrowsers browserType, Func`2 confirmationAction)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.WpfApp.Services.TestRunner.<Playback>d__12.MoveNext()
If I click No, then it will run the script. This is because I manually updated chromedriver to version 118 within C://Program Files (x86)//Regression Suite Automation Tool//Common//External//Selenium
This warning pop-up is very annoying since I already do have the correct version of chromedriver, but this pop-up never goes away. I have uninstalled RSAT and re-installed the latest version. I have uninstalled/reinstalled Chrome and chromedriver. Nothing seems to work.
Please advise.