RE: How does the Time Off Request work?
Thank you for your answer!
I want to create Bookable Resource Bookings from the Time Off Requests. The Bookings then get booked and the RSO should plan around them accordingliy.
To achieve that, a workflow is used. This is necessary for the following reason.
I extended the Time Off Request by a lookup field Substatus. Substatus is an entity which contains a name and a two option set.
The name describes the kind of Time Off Request (in this example (Holiday) and the two option set defines whether the Time Off Request with this Substatus has to be approved or not.
On the left the modified Time Off Request on the right the entity Substatus.
The logic I need goes like this:
If the resource has Necessary to approve Time Off Request set to "Yes" --> all requests need to be approved
If the resource has Necessary to approve Time Off Request set to "No" --> only the requests with a Substatus that demands approval has to be approved.
The resulting problem is, that in the seccond case all Time Off Requests are instantly approved and set to inactive. I cannot find any information about the inner workings to this approval process and it does not seem to be a workflow.
I am open to suggestions, maybe there is a more elegant solution to my problem.
Thank you and best regards