As it's not supported I used another solution which is to check if the boolean is true and the name of the, if the user tries to change the form he will be redirected to the right form until he changes the value of the boolean.
DiligenceSwitch: function(){
if (Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem() != null) {
var currentform = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem();
if (currentform != null) {
var formId = currentform.getId();
var formLabel = currentform.getLabel();
var kycId =;
SDK.REST.retrieveRecord(kycId, "kyc_Kycdiligence", "kyc_Needprescoring", null, //field for searching the targeted field, entity, targeted field, ...
function (kyc) {
if (kyc != null || kyc.kyc_Needprescoring != null) {
if (formLabel != "Pre-Scoring" && kyc.kyc_Needprescoring == true) {
var windowOptions = { openInNewWindow: false };
var parameters = {};
parameters["formid"] = "4B0C88A9-720C-4BFA-8F59-7C1D5DD84F02";
Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("kyc_kycdiligence", kycId, parameters, windowOptions);
alert("Vous devez faire le pre-scoring");
function (error) {