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Multi select column in Sales Table form.

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final class SalesLine_CAP_Extension

    [FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(SalesTable, SalesLine_ManufacturingPlant_CAP), FormControlEventType::Lookup)]
    public static void SalesLine_ManufacturingPlant_CAP_OnLookup(FormControl sender, FormControlEventArgs e)

        Args args;
        FormRun formRun;
        MultiSelectionHelper Msh;
        InventSite inventSite;
        FormDataSource              salesLine_ds = sender.formRun().dataSource(formDataSourceStr(SalesTable, SalesLine));
        SalesLine                 salesLine = salesLine_ds.cursor();
        str store;

        int                                  i, conLength;
        int64                                recId;
        SysLookupMultiSelectValues           delimitedControlValues;
        container                            controlValues;
        container                            selectField;

        FormStringControl d = sender.formRun().design().controlname(formControlStr(SalesTable, SalesLine_ManufacturingPlant_CAP));
        FormDataSource inventSite_ds;
        FormControlCancelableSuperEventArgs event = e as FormControlCancelableSuperEventArgs;
        //Add the categorymultiselectlookupfilter as an argument for lookup
        args = new args(formStr(InventSite));
        //Add the current conrol (Grid Column) as lookup caller
        formRun = classFactory.formRunClass(args);
        //Initialize and perform lookup form
        inventSite_ds = formRun.dataSource();       
        delimitedControlValues = d.text();      
            controlValues = str2con(delimitedControlValues, ';', false);
            conLength = conlen(controlValues);
            for (i = 1; i <= conLength; i  )
                inventSite_ds.findRecord(InventSite::find(conpeek(controlValues, i)));

            Msh = MultiSelectionHelper::construct();

            for (InventSite = inventSite_ds.getFirst(true) ? inventSite_ds.getFirst(true) : inventSite_ds.cursor();inventSite;
            InventSite = inventSite_ds.getNext())
                store  = InventSite.SiteId ";";
            SalesLine.ManufacturingPlant_CAP = d.valueStr();
          //  SalesLine.reread();
           // SalesLine.refresh();



I have written a code for a Multiselect column(ManufacturingPlant_CAP) - In data source  (Sales Line).- In Form (Sales Table).
and I want to get the value from Table(InventSite) - Column(SiteID).
But I am getting form open Like as in the picture attached and also not able to select multiple fields.

Can Anyone Suggest.

  • HARISH MEHRA Profile Picture
    HARISH MEHRA 100 on at
    RE: Multi select column in Sales Table form.

    Thanks Vignesh. It worked.

  • Verified answer
    Vignesh.A Profile Picture
    Vignesh.A 203 on at
    RE: Multi select column in Sales Table form.

    Hi Harish,

    We need to tweak the code little bit to get this achieved.

    Below is the sample code similar to your scenario.

    1. Create an extension class for the for the sales table form

    2. make CoC for the form init method

    3. Create a parm method to hold the multilookupSelectCtrl object


    4. Create an Event Handler class to take the onLookup Event of the form control where the multi select lookup is required.

    5. Write the below code to set the selected value to the field.


    Below is the result of the code.


  • HARISH MEHRA Profile Picture
    HARISH MEHRA 100 on at
    RE: Multi select column in Sales Table form.

    Thanks for the reply Vignesh.

    I have also used 'SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl' But the result is same. When I am selecting  multi records it is showing like - 0;0 (Zero for each record selected).

  • Vignesh.A Profile Picture
    Vignesh.A 203 on at
    RE: Multi select column in Sales Table form.

    Hi Harish,

    From your code, I understand that, you are opening the Invent site form through arguments during the lookup method and and try to select multiple records in it.

    But we can have a simple approach to it. Try to use "SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl" class to bring a lookup with multilple record selection options.

    There are many standard forms which uses this class to bring multi select lookup. You can find reference of this class to see how there are being used.

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