I want to extend a form and then customize its code, however when i extend the form , the view code button is grayed out.
Please suggest how can i extend form and customize its method using extension approach.
I want to extend a form and then customize its code, however when i extend the form , the view code button is grayed out.
Please suggest how can i extend form and customize its method using extension approach.
So there is no need to extend the SRSPRINTDESTINATION form, I can just have a project with new class , which will subscribe to SRSprintdestinationsettinsgdelegates class and in that the custom code can be written correct.
Create project
Add extension of srsprintsettingsform
add a new class
In that class call srsprintdelegaeclass and build combo method and write your customized code there.
Am I going in right direction. I know what I have to change, had it been 2012 I would have fixed it now.
Problem with d365 I am facing is to understand how to extend buildcombox delegate and where to write my customize code.
So how do I customize the buildcombobox method of SRSprintdestinationSettings form.
In 2012 I can just customize it in the form that would be overlayering and not supported in d365 in long run.
Unable to understand what needs to be done so that I can customize buildcombobox method of above form.
Have already seen that link, was wondering if there is any way to extend form methods, especially considering that the product is changing so dynamically.
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