We have a custemer on
- Xal version: 381.351 (Build #351) for SQL
- SQl server 2008
- OS: Windows Xp.
The custemer have upgraded and running the xal 381 for a couple of mounths.
But he have problems with transid number setting in table StockTrans.
They become aware of the problem when they tried to invoiced some orders they an
error message "Illegal reference between stocktable and stocktrans".
We have noticed that diffrent users or even different sessions seam to follow
diffent numberseries when setting next number on TransId.
Example: User 1 Create a salestrans and get 10027 on transid, after that
user 2 Create a salestrans and get 10058 after that
user 1 Create a salestrans and get 10029.
And sometimes the numbers seams to make jump. For example go from 10029 to 10070.
This results that transactions on diffrent articels get the same transId number,
leading to error and instability in the system.
We have tried to do the following:
- 1: Checked the systemtable XALSEQ field SEQNO that gives the next number for TransId.
- 2: Tried to run this code:
// Start:
INTRODUCE StockTrans[TransIdIdx,0]
LAST StockTrans
SET &TransIdMax= StockTrans.TransId
SET SqlWrap::AlterXalSeq(&TransIdMax+1)
// End
In purpose to set a new value on next TransId number.
- 3: checked the value that diffent user get from this code:
// Start.
SET TransId = #DB_File(FileId2Name(StockTrans.FileId),SEQ) + 1
// End.
The resultat is that diffrent user get different &TransId number.
- 4: We can confirm the problem on our local installaition.
What could this depend on?
What else can we check? Any ideas?
Is it a bug in kenel 3.81?
Plaese we have critical problem in the custemer system.
Regards: Björn Claeson