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How to get multiple follow up emails upon multiple submissions on the same landing page.

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Hey Experts,

How can I configure the system so that I can get 1 email for every submission (on the same landing page, with the same email & under the same customer journey)?

Right now, I am only able to receive 1 email (on my first submission) & for my 2nd submission, the email-delivered appears to be "blocked".

> Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing <

pastedimage1599707326839v6.png                         pastedimage1599707252100v5.png


Looking forward to your advice. Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,

Joey Kan

  • Suggested answer
    Aga M Profile Picture
    Aga M on at
    RE: How to get multiple follow up emails upon multiple submissions on the same landing page.

    Hi Joey Kan,

    Thank you for the question.

    This functionality does not exist in our current product. It is in our backlog though and we want to offer such capability in the future.

    In the meantime, you could try the workaround suggested by Clofly Mao.

    Have a nice day,

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: How to get multiple follow up emails upon multiple submissions on the same landing page.

    Hi Joey,

    If you still had any doubt, feel free to ask question.



    If you had found any answer helped, please kindly mark as verified to close the thread, it would be really appreciated.

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: How to get multiple follow up emails upon multiple submissions on the same landing page.

    Hi Joey,

    This feature is not listed in 2020 wave 2 release plan, and I am not clear that whether it would be implemented in the future release.

    You could submit the requirement to Ideas forum of Dynamics 365 Marketing.



  • Joey K Profile Picture
    Joey K 35 on at
    RE: How to get multiple follow up emails upon multiple submissions on the same landing page.

    Hey Clofly,

    I see, alright I'll give it the Javascript a try. Will dynamics be implementing the feature for alert notification in the future?

    Appreciate your time Clofly. You're the best. Thank you!

    Best Regards,

    Joey K

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: How to get multiple follow up emails upon multiple submissions on the same landing page.

    Hi Joey,

    Customer journey will only process submission of each contact once, it is by design.

    Further explanation: Form submissions are not connected to any particular customer journey, if we have more CJ (active) in the system the form submission will be routed to all of them.

    In a word, it is not supported to build such a customer journey that is able to send marketing email for every submission, some users in marketing forum have also reported the behavior and are seeking for a solution.

    From your intended alert notification email, it seems that the layout of email is not complex, there are only title and submitted information in the email,

    therefore, I suggest you refer to my answer in the thread I posted, use javascript to capture all data of fields when contact submits form, then send these data to http request trigger and send email with flow, it would be the only workaround at present.

    Or enabling form level DOI to your form.



  • Joey K Profile Picture
    Joey K 35 on at
    RE: How to get multiple follow up emails upon multiple submissions on the same landing page.

    Hey Clofly, 

    Thank you for your prompt reply. The "blocked" reason was because of "duplicated email detected".

    Instead of double opt-in intention as adviced, I'm looking into more of an alert notification to myself whenever a user submitted a form in a landing page.

    Customer Journey logic example:

    5 users submitted a form in a landing page ---> 5 of them will receive 1 thank you email each ---> I will receive 5 alert notification email

    Intended Alert Notification Email to Me:


    The intention of the above journey logic is to:

    1. Send an alert notification to my email stating that " a user has submitted a form on this landing page ".

    2. Allow duplicated submission to receive the same marketing email on every submission.

    Hope it makes sense.

    Best Regards,

    Joey K

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: How to get multiple follow up emails upon multiple submissions on the same landing page.

    Hi Joey,

    Could you tell me the duration between your two submissions?

    I created a same customer journey as yours, my 2nd submission was 5 minutes after the 1st submission.

    However, the KPIs still shows one one email was processed.

    (Even thought Insights of both form and page reveal there are 2 submissions.)

    Please click View details to check the reason that why the email was blocked.

    Was the information the same for all fields at your second submission?

    From my using experience and posts from other users in community, such a customer journey

    form/page -> If form/page submitted -> send an email

    will only process information once and only send email once.

    If you would like to send email in each time of submission, then you could refer to solution of the following thread:



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