Hello all,
I'm working on Customer Auditor report, if you chose some Business unit the calculations comes correct for Amount field, but no for the opening balance and the ending balance because it calculates the opening balance and the ending balance based on the customer you chose regardless the business unit… And it calculates all the found transactions in the chosen period of time.
I found that the reason it's because it calculates the Amount field from the query based on selected choices for the report, but for the opening and the ending balance it calculates them from two methods exists in the CustTrans table, which neglecting the selection choices for the report except for the date and the customer, that's correct actually unless you start to filter with dimensions values like Business unit or business line.
I tried to modify the report by creating dumbDate, so I can start the range for the query from it… And then I can write an if condition to calculate the Amount if the current trans date is between fromDate and ToDate... the chosen period of time, but somehow it blows up and the report isn't correct anymore
I hope you get me, If any help I appreciate it