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Missing contacts in segmentation

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I create a segmentation with conditions. I have 75 contacts in my segmentation contacts list. 
I did the same query with Advanced Search and I found 100 results. I have a difference of 25 contacts. They miss in my segmentation. 

I checked for these 25 contacts and they all have Allow Email Marketing to yes and have email address. 

Do you have an idea why they are not present in my segmentation ?
Thanks !
  • Deborah J Pitt Profile Picture
    Deborah J Pitt 114 on at
    Missing contacts in segmentation
    I've experienced similar issues with segments in the past month. Segments being in 'ready to send' state, but missing contacts who match the criteria. You may find that when you go back and check the segment later that day or the next, the 'missing' members now are listed. Suggest logging a support request with Microsoft if you're still experiencing this problem
  • PaulineKolde Profile Picture
    PaulineKolde 664 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Missing contacts in segmentation
    Hi @kmarechal,
    does the same issue occur with other segments and filter queries?
    We had a similar issues last week and contacted the Microsoft support. Turns out the cause of the issue was data sync error on Microsofts end, due to migration to a different framework.
    Hope this helps!
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Missing contacts in segmentation
    Based on the information you provided, we conducted some related tests. However, the results show that Segment and Advanced Find show the same contacts.
    The testing procedure is as follows:
    Step 1.Creating Segment with Conditions.

    1. There are 14 contacts in the Segmented Contacts list.

    Step 2. Conduct the same query using advanced search in the modern interface.

    1. The query result shows that the 14 contacts are the same as in Segment.

    Step 3. Conduct the same query using advanced search in the classic interface.
    1. Select Advanced Settings.

    1. The Advanced Search button is in the upper right corner.

    1. Configure the query criteria.

    1. Click this exclamation mark to view the query results.

    1. The query result shows that the 14 contacts are the same as in Segment.

    Could you provide the screenshots of the conditions that are used in Segment and Advanced Search? This would help to solve your problem.
    I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang L

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