Re: Copying & Pasting in Great Plains GL
Hi Dale,
No, you cannot copy and paste a chart of accounts from one company to another. Realistically, your options are:
Create the GL accounts manually.
Import the chart of accounts from a spreadsheet using Integration Manager.
Create a macro that you can run in the new company to create the GL accounts.
Use the Copy Company utility to copy set up data from one company to another. This is downloadable from Partner / Customersource.
If you are just starting with GP, it is likely that you still have access to Integration Manager for conversions (this comes with all new installs and gives you access to Integration Manager for about 90 days so you can upload your data from your old system etc.) Or, you may have purchased the full Integration Manager module, in which case you can use it anytime to import your chart of accounts.
Hope this helps.
One other option is to use eConnect if you have purchased it, however it is a lot of work just to integrate GL accounts.