Hi everyone
I'm new to the forum and was hoping you could help with a query. I am using NAV 2013 R2 and the local currency of the company is GBP. I want to post a Purchase Invoice for a non stock cost, carriage in, from an EU supplier.
I have created a new GL code called Carriage In EU and I have the Gen. Busn. and Prod Posting groups set to EU codes that have a default VAT Prod. Posting group of EU. The Vendor has VAT & Gen. Busn. Posting group of EU.
However, when I try to enter the Purchase Invoice, I select the type of G/L Account, but when I enter new newly created GL code I get the error message, "VAT Bus. Posting Group cannot be EU. EU can only be used for domestic customers and vendors."
I cannot see what I am missing in my posting groups setup and would be grateful for any help.
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