RE: Advance find for related entity multiple records
Hi Kiran,
The relationship between the Opportunity and the Contact is N:1.
So an Opportunity can only be associated with one Contact, it is not possible to associate two Contacts at the same time.
in other words, Opportunities P1 is associated with one of Contact Q1 or Contact Q2, and Opportunities P2 can only be associated with another.
In detail, there are only two cases:
- Opportunities P1 is associated with Contact Q1, Opportunities P2 is associated with Contact Q2.
- Opportunities P1 is associated with Contact Q2, Opportunities P2 is associated with Contact Q1.
These two points cannot be met at the same time, can only meet one of them.
So you could only use OR, not AND.
In addition, as Goutam said, I recommend that you multi-select Opportunity in the Look Up Records instead of using AND or OR.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Lu Hao