Hello D365 Marketing experts,
I wonder if you could assist me with a following issue since the helplink http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398563&error=Microsoft.Crm.CrmException%3a80040265&client=platform could not provide any support on this matter concerning the Microsoft.Dynamics.EventManagement.CrmPlugins CheckIfEligibleOnSessionRegistrationCreateOrUpdate on a case where the session is eligible and there are still passes left for the session but the error message still appear when updating a Session registration contact record
Here are the details of this Business process Error
ExceptionFromPluginExecute: Microsoft.Dynamics.EventManagement.CrmPlugins.EventMgmtPlugin.Plugins.CheckIfEligibleOnSessionRegistrationCreateOrUpdate
ExceptionRetriable: False
ExceptionSource: PluginExecution
OriginalException: PluginExecution
PluginTrace: 2023-03-28T13:00:30.0554783Z :: Information(170015) :: Session attendance is not eligible
2023-03-28T13:00:30.0554783Z :: Information(170015) :: Begin: GetLocalizedMessage, messageCode: SessionAttendanceIsNotEligible
2023-03-28T13:00:30.0804728Z :: Information(170015) :: User language is: 1033
2023-03-28T13:00:30.0854766Z :: Information(170015) :: Begin: RetrieveJsonWebResourceByName, languageCode: 1033
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2154715Z :: Information(170015) :: Webresources returned from server. Count: 1
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2154715Z :: Information(170015) :: End: RetrieveJsonWebResourceByName , webresourcePath: msevtmgt_/Localizations/plugins1033
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2424680Z :: Information(170015) :: Begin: RetrieveLocalizedStringFromWebResource
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2424680Z :: Information(170015) :: Message value: You don't have passes for this session.
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2424680Z :: Information(170015) :: End: GetLocalizedMessage, message: You don't have passes for this session.
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2424680Z :: Information(170015) :: Exception 'InvalidPluginExecutionException' occured: You don't have passes for this session., CorrelationId:x
HelpLink: go.microsoft.com/.../
[Microsoft.Dynamics.EventManagement.CrmPlugins.EventMgmtPlugin: Microsoft.Dynamics.EventManagement.CrmPlugins.EventMgmtPlugin.Plugins.CheckIfEligibleOnSessionRegistrationCreateOrUpdate]
Microsoft.Dynamics.EventManagement.CrmPlugins.EventMgmtPlugin.Plugins.CheckIfEligibleOnSessionRegistrationCreateOrUpdate: Update of msevtmgt_sessionregistration]
2023-03-28T13:00:30.0554783Z :: Information(170015) :: Session attendance is not eligible
2023-03-28T13:00:30.0554783Z :: Information(170015) :: Begin: GetLocalizedMessage, messageCode: SessionAttendanceIsNotEligible
2023-03-28T13:00:30.0804728Z :: Information(170015) :: User language is: 1033
2023-03-28T13:00:30.0854766Z :: Information(170015) :: Begin: RetrieveJsonWebResourceByName, languageCode: 1033
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2154715Z :: Information(170015) :: Webresources returned from server. Count: 1
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2154715Z :: Information(170015) :: End: RetrieveJsonWebResourceByName , webresourcePath: msevtmgt_/Localizations/plugins1033
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2424680Z :: Information(170015) :: Begin: RetrieveLocalizedStringFromWebResource
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2424680Z :: Information(170015) :: Message value: You don't have passes for this session.
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2424680Z :: Information(170015) :: End: GetLocalizedMessage, message: You don't have passes for this session.
2023-03-28T13:00:30.2424680Z :: Information(170015) :: Exception 'InvalidPluginExecutionException' occured: You don't have passes for this session., CorrelationId:x
What dependencies might have an impact for this kind of a behaviour? We do have developed few CustomPlugins. Do we need to consider to adapt some logic in order to avoid this kind of errors when updating a contact on a session registration?
Hi Miamat, it looks like passes for that session are not available, you can try to increase the number of passes.
Hi Miamat,
It seems that it's your custom plugin, correct?
If so, please debug it in your Plugin Registration Tool to check which line leads to this error.
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional