Hello all!
I'm attempting to add a field to the WMSBillOfLading grid which will reference CustPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId. How is something like this typically done? Is there a form "load" event/method where code could be called? I didn't want to duplicate the data by adding it to WMSBillOfLading table. Thanks in advance.
Thank you Denis...that was what I needed
As per my knowledge, the relation between CustPackingSlipJour and WMSBillOfLading is made by CustPackingSlipJour.BillOfLadingId = WMSBillOfLading.BillOfLadingId
I now have a table relationship question between WMSBillOfLading and CustPackingSlipJour. I was going to use sales order id to link them but quickly found it's a many to many relationship. Anyone know what the relationship is between those two tables if I'm looking for the packing slip for a given bill of lading? Thanks much.
Btw, please ignore the previous post, I discovered how to use the display method.
Thank you.
You can just put data directly to a grid cell. The grid is bound to a data source, so you have to bind every column either to a field or to a display method.
If you need data from several data sources in the same grid, simply join them together, bind the grid to the parent data source and use fields from several data sources in the same as you do now with a single data source.
Display methods are explained in Using the display Method Modifier.
Kumar, just to clarify, I would create a display method on WMSBillOfLading which will do the lookup between WMSBillOfLading and CustPackingSlipJour. Then use the display method to load the field on the grid?
Within the display method how do I reference the WMSBillOfLading object in order to retrieve the SalesId?
Thanks very much!
You can create a display method to achieve this, in case you want sort , search to work on the field then see if there is relationship between these two tables or if you can make one. Then you can add your table in data source of form and display the field.
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