Hello everyone!
I'm writing because when I click on the items of the navigation pane, the following error shows up: 'Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'CONTACT', table tempdb.dbo.##0065516, column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails'
I found a post where the explanation of this issue was a bad data in the Vendor ID (VENDORID) column in the Purchasing Receipt History table (POP30300). In summary, if you have a purchasing receipt with a blank vendor ID or a vendor ID that does not exist in the Vendor Master table (PM00200), it will cause the Items list to fail with the error above.
I checked the receipts with no vendor data (used the following SQL statement: SELECT * FROM POP30300 WHERE VENDORID NOT IN (SELECT VENDORID FROM PM00200), but all this receipts are from in transit transfers. So, it's ok not to have vendors information.
Also, I checked this receipts with SmartList, and they appear with no transaction type, I enclose the print.
Could anyone help me to solve this error?
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