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To check the first person who solve the case

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I just want to track  the person  solved the case  before assigning the case to me.. I tried to use modified by.. and track in audit trail..but its not showing.. Thank you very much
  • Suggested answer
    Amit Katariya007 Profile Picture
    Amit Katariya007 9,966 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    To check the first person who solve the case
    On Case status change you can run a Power automated flow or Plugin which will populate this details.
    Also there is a incident resolution entity which will have details about the case when it is getting resolved. You can run your logic after creation of this record.
    Get users context and then populate this details on the case record.
    Thank you,
    Amit Katariya
  • Suggested answer
    Joseph Melillo Profile Picture
    Joseph Melillo 125 on at
    To check the first person who solve the case

    Using Advanced Find

    1. Go to Advanced Find in Dynamics 365.
    2. Choose Activities as the entity to search.
    3. Add conditions to filter for:
      • Activity Type = "Case Resolution."
      • Regarding (Case) = [specific case name or ID].
    4. Sort the results by the Created On field in ascending order to find the first resolution activity.
    5. The Owner field in this result will show the user who resolved the case.
    Filters will show like this
    It will show like this
    Ensure the appropriate fields (such as "Resolved By" or "Owner") are included in the case form or view. Audit logs must be enabled for the system to capture this data.
  • Suggested answer
    Tom_Gioielli Profile Picture
    Tom_Gioielli 258 on at
    To check the first person who solve the case
    Standard customer service functionality includes a  Case Resolution record that is created when an agent closes a case. Ideally, you should be able to see the resolution history through the timeline or through another subgrid to see who created the resolution records.
    Another option would be to create a workflow that runs when a Case Status is closed, and capture the date and time and user who closed it.

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