this post is intended to help and also discuss with some others Dynamic users experiencing some issues to get professional help for cases where is not kind of 'break/fix'. We bought that plan to help adopt of Dyn365, first case created with sucess where the techguy help us to edit the "Account" entity to add some fields, helped on the import from .XLS (convert to .XML files) with mapping fields and also created another form to user be able to view that fields.
- How to open advisory cases? Accordingly to the last technician we need inform on the "trouble ticket" that this case should be forwarded to "Advisory Team" to check exactly what we need, check available hours and etc. There is another way to open?? Not so clear.
- How much hours we have montlhy for Advisory after purchase that plan? Not so clear.
- What exactly means the item "As-needed online training"?
- Where is the "Access to Self-help Portals"?
Maybe someone which already have this plan can help us.
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