I am creating the report in Visual Studio. We have to use a Rectangle with Fill set to an image, so we can have text on top of an image (this is not supported with the Image object)
However when I set the background to something 300 DPI, you only see 1/3 of the image since the report generates at 96 DPI. On an On Premise install I've worked on, you can just change a config file on the report server to fix this, but in an Online instance it seems like we have no recourse.
I have seen many mentions of changing the DeviceInfo DpiX and DpiY but doesn't seem like you can do that from the URL (it just generates an error) so I feel like I'm stuck re-implementing the reports with a different report server. Anyone have any ideas? When we use images scaled appropriately to fit on the reports, they are only 96 DPI and not nearly high quality enough for printed quotes where the images matter.