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Export data to Excel

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Hey! I'm new to working with AX and I have some confusion. I  need a new functionality that can be run also in batch and which will export some vendor purchase order information to an Excel file based on a dialog that filters my data forward. How could I do this using SYSoperation?

This is the dialog


  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,476 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Export data to Excel

    I would begin with considering of what exactly are your business requirements regarding "an Excel file".

    Generating an .xslx file but is possible, but often creating a CSV file (and opening it in Excel) is sufficient. The benefit is that is easier to program and it performs very well.

  • Pavel Ioana Profile Picture
    Pavel Ioana 102 on at
    RE: Export data to Excel

    The main problem is how to export  fields about vendor purchase in excel. I think I should begin with that.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,476 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Export data to Excel

    What exactly are struggling with? How to use SysOperation framework? How to filter data? How to export data to Excel? Or something else?

    In general, you shouldn't try doing everything at once. Split the problem to smaller pieces and deal one at a time. For example, if you don't know how to export the data, forget dialogs, filters etc. for a moment. Create a job, for example, that will do nothing that exporting some hard-coded data to Excel.

    When you have basics brick of the solution, you can start putting them together.

    This will make your work easier and more focused, and it'll also allow you to ask more specific questions.

    Also, consider utilizing the Data import/export framework for the export, instead of developing the same thing by yourself.

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