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How to limit the number of related records to a given number

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Dear all,

How can I limit the number of related records?

The use case: 

- Entity "Location" has a field "Can hold multiple items"

- Entity "Item" has a lookup field "Location"

- When an item gets a Location assigned that already has an item assigned to it (in the case "Can hold multiple items" = False), it should be prevented somehow (indicating that the chosen location already has reached its limit)

How can I achieve this? I have tried a custom plugin, but it seems that this does not prevent anything; see code here : OneOrMultipleItemsPerLocation.cs (

A more general use case would be to have a numeric field "number of maximum items on this location" that would prevent to have more than this number assigned to this location....


  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How to limit the number of related records to a given number

    Hello Koen,

    Can you please provide the screenshot that demonstrates how you registered the step for this plugin?

    Generally speaking, you chose the proper direction - on create of the child check the number of child records for a particular parent.

    In your case I believe the following line breaks the code:

    if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is cr510_Item item)

    the reason is that "Target" is actually of type Entity - it doesn't come as your late-bound entity.

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