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OptIn for E-Mail changes on Subscription Center

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Hi All,

unfortunatelly the OOB Dynamics 365 Marketing application does not provide any default process for handling the following situation:

User gets a Marketing E-Mail with a Link to the Subscription Center in the footer. When the link is clicked, he is able to perform some changes,

like subscribing or unsubscribing from different subscription lists. For each subscription he will get an Opt-In E-Mail to confirm. 

However if he is going to change his E-Mail Address, nothing happens. This could lead to the fact that I subscribe to a bunch of subscriptions with my

current address, afterwards change it to a different one, and the owner of that address is going to get a bunch of newsletters.

I know from other vendors, that they handle E-Mail changes similar to any subscription assignment, meaning the user is getting an E-Mail and needs to

actively confirm the change of the E-Mail address.

Handling this process with customer journey is not a good approach, as every contact is only going to be processed once in an active customer journey.

Does anyone has an idea if this feature is going to be released in the near future or a solid workaround?

Thank you and BR,


  • Suggested answer
    Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: OptIn for E-Mail changes on Subscription Center

    Hi Philipp,

    in April release, we introduced a form level DoI. New DOI will block form handling, before an owner of new email address clicks “I Confirm” button in sent confirmation email.




  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: OptIn for E-Mail changes on Subscription Center

    Hi Philipp,

    In theory, we could get each submitted value in msdyncrm_submittedvalues field of msdyncrm_marketingformsubmission entity.

    However, both tcmander's issue and I encountered a bug that the field only contains value when I retrieve all records,

    if I retrieve a specific submission record, then the field became null.

    Currently we might need to wait some time for bug being fixed.



  • Philipp Focust Profile Picture
    Philipp Focust 145 on at
    RE: OptIn for E-Mail changes on Subscription Center

    Hi Clofly,

    thanks for the feedback again. Handling this server side is not that easy, as the SC is only comunicating with the Marketing Cloud, which does not offer any API and is a blackbox. As soon as the user submits the changes on the form, including the E-Mail, it gets updated on the contact record in the backend. So you would need to block this behaviour, which is not a recommended solution.

    Providing any kind of flow in the frontend could always lead to missuse, as the request is visible to everyone on the page.

    Do you know if the form submission entity (msdyncrm_marketingformsubmission) can capture the JSON body of the submission you get from Insights as well? I did not find any field on the entity showing these information. I would need to know what fields have been changed by the user.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: OptIn for E-Mail changes on Subscription Center

    Hi Philipp,

    Unfortunately there is no confirmation email to handle your situation.

    The workaround is that you could add approval feature when contact’s email field is changed from server side.



  • Philipp Focust Profile Picture
    Philipp Focust 145 on at
    RE: OptIn for E-Mail changes on Subscription Center

    Hello Clofly,

    thanks for your response. I think I was not clear enough in my description: it is not about the confirmation emails from subscription assignments, it is about a missing confirmation email, when a user changes his email address in the subscription center. It is currently possible to change the email to any other email without the need to actively confirm the change:

    Example: I go to the SC and subscribe for several lists. I do get a couple of confirmations, afterwards I again go to the SC and change my email address. The new email is saved to dynamics and will receive all future newsletters, because I never got a confirmation mail to the new email address to confirm that I really wanted to change the email address.

    BR Philipp

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: OptIn for E-Mail changes on Subscription Center

    Hi Philipp,

    > Did you encounter this situation when DOI was enabled?

    It seems that Dynamics Marketing will still send confirmation email to origin mailbox, regardless of changing consent level or changing subscription lists.(first time)

    When recipient refreshed subscription center page (email field has been updated to a different one.) and does change on consent level or subscription lists again, then the confirmation email will be only sent to new mailbox.(second time)

    If recipient doesn't click confirmation button in confirmation email, his/her preference will still not be changed/updated.

    > Do you mean subscription assignment of other vendors will just send confirmation email to new mailbox? and that behavior that what you would expect?

    If so, currently Dynamics Marketing DOI is not supported with such feature,(a recurring customer journey might not be a good workaround.)

    and you could only add a description about Dyanmcis Marketing confirmation behavior in subscription center to inform your recipients.

    > Please share what you have found to Ideas forum for better improvement, or try to open a ticket to ask whether the mechanism of email delivery could be changed at back-end.




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