Is it possible to create more than one case record from an email received into more than one queue in Dynamics 365? Your question is probably why would you want to do so?
We are in higher education and have multiple departments using the same Dynamics CRM to support our students. One of those teams deals with student wellbeing and their interaction with the student must remain confidential. We have achieved this with our business unit setup, combined with security roles, private queues and record ownership.
We all know that when an email enters Dynamics, it is linked to a queue in Queue Items list. If that email is linked to more than one queue, it is linked within each of queue's Queue Items lists. When a team member, monitoring queue 1, converts the email to a case record, the email record is completed and is set regarding that new case. However, a person monitoring queue 2, cannot now convert the email to a case record because it has already been converted.
In the scenario above, both teams need to create a case record, but one requires confidentiality on the case record, therefore collaboration between the teams on the same case record is not suitable. We have toyed with the idea of creating a case record from scratch and copying the email content into the case description, but that is quite an administrative burden on the team members and doesn't sit well with the user experience (some teams are resistant to using Dynamics altogether).
I was wondering if any others had faced a similar problem and what, if any, solution could be implemented.
Many thanks