As per the documents provided by Microsoft, I tried to create a simple document type report called Sales Price with dataitems such as 'Sales header' and 'sales Line' and 'Integer type ' .
I created the code as shown below
Shared Offset As Integer
Shared NewPage As Object
Public Function GetGroupPageNumber(NewPage As Boolean, PageNumber As Integer) As Object
If NewPage
Offset = PageNumber - 1
NewPage = False
End If
Return PageNumber - Offset
End Function
Public Function IsNewPage As Boolean
NewPage = True
Return NewPage
End Function
Shared Data1 as Object
Public Function GetData(Num as integer , Group as integer) as Object
if Group = 1 then
Return Cstr(Choose(Num, Split(Cstr(Data1),Chr(177))))
End If
End Function
Public Function SetData(NewData as Object,Group as integer)
If Group =1 and NewData >"" Then
Data1 = NewData
End If
Return True
End Function
Later inserted Textbox in the body with hidden property as shown below
= Code.SetData(Cstr(Fields!No.Value) + Chr(177) + Cstr(Fields!CustomerNo.Value) + Chr(177) + Cstr(Fields!SelltoCustomerNo.Value) + Chr(177) + Cstr(Fields!SellToAddress.Value) +Chr(177) +Cstr(Fields!SellToCity.Value) + Chr(177) +Cstr(Fields!SellToCountry.Value),1)
Inserted textboxes in header for dispalying the Header data with each textboxes expression as '=Code.GetData(6,1) etc
But while running the report the system is dispalying only one Sales order header with no Sales lines under it.
Why it is So? Plz check it.
Plz help.
Thanks ,
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