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Paid event registration validation

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I've made an request to an paid event, where ive setup 1 pass with 1 allocated pass.

From my backend i've created an register using the EventManagementApi (POST/events/{readableEventId}registrations)

Response contains statuscode of the registration and purchase Id as expected. If i dont finalize the registration, for how long will the pass be allocated before beeing released?

And is it possible to edit "settings" for how long the registration is allocated before beeing released?

  • Suggested answer
    Diana Roy Profile Picture
    Diana Roy on at
    RE: Paid event registration validation

    the hold period is 30 minutes

  • rbarvag Profile Picture
    rbarvag 10 on at
    RE: Paid event registration validation

    After /EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/Events/{readableEventId}/registrations, it will not "take" a record slot in CRM from what i can see. (I'm new to this, so it can be some place i havent found).

    But for some reason i can't do an second call to /EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/Events/{readableEventId}/registrations, the response then tells me that there is no slots available. ¨

    If I wait for an hour, and tries to do /EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/Events/{readableEventId}/registrations I'm allowed to register again, so there seems to be a "hold" from when you first registered until you call finalize, and if you dont call finalize inbetween the "hold" periode, the reservation will be canceled/released. So im wondering for how long an "register" will be reserved

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Paid event registration validation


    After sending /EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/Events/{readableEventId}/registrations, will there be a record of registration created?

    As I tried to register an event directly in portal, if the pass has been selected but hasn't been paid, the registration record will not be created and the pass will not be taken up.

  • rbarvag Profile Picture
    rbarvag 10 on at
    RE: Paid event registration validation


    For now i'm just sending the /EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/Events/{readableEventId}/registrations

    So the user is registered, and i dont send a post to /EvtMgmt/api/v2.0/Events/{readableEventId}/registrations/finalize

    So if im not sending a post to finalize, for how long will the reservation be on hold, before beeing relased.

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Paid event registration validation


    Would you please explain more about "don't finalize the registration"?

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