Hi All,
In a report, I have two filters - Starting Date and Ending Date which correspond to the Return Date Time field present on table 'Job'.
Report is generated per employee wise.
For each Employee, 'Total Available Hours' has to be calculated and displayed on the report.
These available hours are getting calculated from the Time Sheet of that employee. (Time Sheet is created for 7 days, starting from Monday)
A filter has been put to pull the time sheets of that Employee i.e. the Time Sheet Starting Date should fall between the applied filters Starting Date and Ending Date on the report.
Now the issue is that whenever I put date range which includes Time Sheet Starting Date then correct data is displayed but when the date range doesn't include Time Sheet Starting Date, then incorrect data is displayed.
Available Hours are calculated from Total(HH:MM) field displayed in above screenshot.
For Ex. Time Sheet for an Emp is created from 10-02-2019 to 16-02-2019 and for 10 and 11, Total(HH:MM) is entered as 7 hrs and 8 hrs. Now when I put a filter including 10-02-2019 data shown is correct but when I want to see the Available Hours of 11-02-2019 only i.e. 8 hrs, report displays 0.
Code is also attached. trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
int: Integer;
days_time_text: array[32] of Text[10];
days_time_temp: array[32] of Text[10];
days_time_num: array[32] of Decimal;
jobtsakInner: Record "Job Task";
jobPLanningLineInner: Record "Job Planning Line";
productiveHoursInner: Decimal;
TimesheetHeader.SetRange("Resource No.", Employee."Resource No.");
IF TimesheetHeader.FindSet() then begin
TimesheetLine.SetRange("Time Sheet No.", TimesheetHeader."No.");
TimesheetLine.SetRange("Time Sheet Starting Date", DT2DATE(StartingDate), DT2DATE(EndingDate));
if TimesheetLine.FindSet() then begin
TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.SetRange("Time sheet No.", TimesheetLine."Time Sheet No.");
TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.SetRange("Office Schedule Type", TimeSheetOfficeSchedule."Office Schedule Type"::"Total (HH:MM)");
if TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.FindSet() then begin
//Available_Hours_text_Mon := TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.Mon;
days_time_text[1] := TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.Mon;
days_time_text[2] := TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.Tue;
days_time_text[3] := TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.Wed;
days_time_text[4] := TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.Thus;
days_time_text[5] := TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.Fri;
days_time_text[6] := TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.Sat;
days_time_text[7] := TimeSheetOfficeSchedule.Sun;
for int := 1 to 7 do begin
days_time_temp[int] := ConvertStr(days_time_text[int], ':', '.');
Evaluate(days_time_num[int], days_time_temp[int]);
for int := 1 to 7 do begin
Available_Hours = days_time_num[int];
until TimesheetHeader.Next() = 0;
How can I overcome this issue, please suggest!