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The flow stops running to copy a record from the Env 1 to Env 2

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I have 2 environments and when a record is created in Env 1 I want the flow to copy it to Env 2 but also I want to prevent users to add a record manually in Env 2.

I have added a business rule to show errors when the user selects a certain value from option set and tries to save in Env 2. But now the flow is conflicting with this business rule. 

Is there a way around this issue?

Thank you !

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    RE: The flow stops running to copy a record from the Env 1 to Env 2

    Hi Prajwal,

    The flow copy records from Env1 to Env 2 is creating records in the Env2 actually.

    For the business rule, you can check the scope:

    1. Specific Form
    There will be one of these for each Main Form you have. This Business Rule will only run on the form selected. This is the lowest level of scope and provides flexibility to provide different experiences on different forms.

    2. All Forms
    This Business Rule will apply on any form. You must be on the form, however, for the Business Rule to run.

    3. Entity
    This Business Rule runs server side, and you do not have to be on a Form for the Business Rule to run.

    This Business Rule will run if you make a change programmatically to a record. It acts more like a real-time workflow or plug-in in this way, making it a critical feature.


    In fact, you can remove 'create' privilege of the entity in the security roles for all users if you want to prevent users to add a record manually in Env 2.


    If I have misunderstood, can you share the following screenshot of the flow and business rule.

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