Using web services we can fulfill orders fine when lines are allocated as the order is entered (i.e. Allocate By is set to Line Item for the document type).
When Allocate By is set to Document/Batch, then use Options > Allocate or Fulfill to allocate within Sales Tansaction Entry, then try to fulfill the lines from web services, get this error:
A validation exception has occurred. Validation Errors: - QuantityFulfilled cannot be greater than 0 if quantities are not being allocated using DocumentTypeKey or AllocateQuantitiesBehavior = 1.
This appears to relate to eConnect error 2230 within the taSopLineIvcInsert SP. But I can't look at that SP to see what is making it complain.
The lines appear to be in the same state whether you allocate during entry or as a 2nd step, so not sure what is causing the error.
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