Hi all, I'm stumped yet again.
I have two entities that have a N:1 relationship-- Cases (1) and Assets (N). Assets is a custom entity.
I have been trying to deactivate all assets related to deactivated cases by using flows. Every time I try to deactivate an associated asset, I get the message:
"Since case is resolved and read-only, only these attributes are updatable : "ownerid", "owneridyominame", "owneridtype", "owninguser", "statecode", "statuscode", "modifiedon", "modifiedby", "modifiedonbehalfby", "owningbusinessunit" , "processid". If you need to edit other fields, please reactivate the case."
I get this message both when sending an HTTP request and when simply clicking "Deactivate" on the D365 interface.
I understand the message: I can't update attributes on a case that is closed. But why can't I update the status/statecode of an ASSOCIATED record??