why i can not get this record with x++?i use the same database and same param
why i can not get this record with x++?i use the same database and same param
First try to find the account number for the record "SNFREFIDCUSTONNIS" (123772).
In the select statement add the account num field in the where condition - On the debugger see whether the "SNFREFIDCUSTONNIS" field has value 123772.
Girish S.
yes ,I have tried to do this in the code, but still can't get it
Try like below. SNFREFIDCUSTONNIS is integer or string field.
If its a string field use double quotes to mention.
Select crossCompany * from custTable where custTable.SNFREFIDCUSTONNIS == "123772";
Also open the table and see whether the same record exists.
Girish S.
To say the least, i use crosscompany to query ,it also can not get record
But the information in this company is the result of a database query,
Hi Tracy,
On the select statement use cross company keyword to get data across all the companies.
CustTable will have SaveDataPerCompany property on the table is said to yes - Which means that it will save records against each company separately.
In order to get the record against all the companies you need to use crossCompany keyword in select statement.
Normally the select statement will run against the current logged in company ID.
Girish S.
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