RE: Is there got a log file for GP 2013 activity?
Hello, we have encountered this a number of times and we have been able to use the Activity Tracking from within GP with great sucess.
Before turning this one feature on, be sure to know the full reason from the client as to what they are looking for. Ask the question, are they questioning the security or are they really wanting to know "of the people security allows in to do something - who is actually doing that task?"
Once we started the tracking the client realized that the people doing the work were in fact those that were set up in security to do so and then after about two months, had us turn off the Tracking.
The reason for turning it off - as Mahmoud states - it is a minor resource killer. If you have lots of disk space and lots of memory, then it would not be as noticeable.
When you configure the Activity Tracking - be sure to be somewhat selective - you can select everything for everyone and then it will grind the system to a halt.
Ask the question, are they questioning the security or are they really wanting to know who is actually doing that task?