RE: GP 2010 Payroll and Obamacare Requirements
Good question. We attempted in smartlist builder to create a very basic smartlist that will 'count' the number of checks written (we counted by payment number), did a total of the 'units to pay', and listed the type of employment of the employee (full time regular, part time regular). We then export to excel and based on the employmeent type we apply the formula to calculate out FTE. We do this on a monthly and have also been doing on a YTD total by annualizing the amount. No simple way.
Two problems though with smartlist.
1. The customer has to maintain the classification of the employees in the customer card. Based on if this classification we use different FTE Factors
2. Depending on the paycode setup, the unts paid could be wrong. If a customer had a "Hour' paycode for regular hours worked, lets say 25 hours, and 'Hourly premium pay code' for $0.50 per hour for the same 25 hours, the result returned in smartlist would show 50 units paid instead of just 25. We haven't run into this scenario but we might.
3. As a partner, it is also an oppurtunity for me to sell smartlist builder if my customer does not have it.
One final note, I think the report could be created in report writer, utilizing the same tables and fields that I used in smartlist builder. The customer would need to go into report writer to change the time period each month. I would also create the report without a lot of fancy headers, etc. so I could export to a tab\csv format to open easily in excel. I just haven't done this yet.