RE: Retail: Unit of conversion on the product variants
Regarding point B. Product Master with variant product - conversion unit not works well.
I created master product PT0002 with variant product PT0003: :300g: :
I selected checkbox "Enable unit of measure conversions" on the general data on material master.
I set up unit conversions for variant product -> inter-class conversions (Calculate beetween units 1ea = 300g).
I realesed product with variant. I set up unit EA for purchase, sell, manage inventory, engineer, on master product.
I setup unit sequence group ID ea/g.
I assigned reservation hierarchy "Default" to product.
And I created purchase order on variant product 300g with unit G I had following infolog.
"Product variant unit conversions are not supported for this process. Please check the setup for product master PT0002."
I can only order goods in the unit ea.
I confirmed this PO and I created product receipt.
When I checked on-hand inventory on this product I can saw only inventory in unit EA.
When I show Other unit and when I selected unit G I had following infolog: "Product variant unit conversions are not supported for this process. Please check the setup for product master PT0002."
I need see on-hand inventory in unit G.
How Can I configure it in AX?