I have created a very simple workflow so update the Case Subject with a specific Value, if either the Case Title or Case Description contains the specific Value.
So if Case Title OR Case Description contains Test then update the Case Subject to Test.
It works fine when the Title contains Test, so if I send a message to a specific queue with Test in the Subject of the email, the Subject is updated in the Case but if Test is included in the body of the email, the Subject does not get updated.
Just wondering if anyone would have any ideas why?
I have figured this out thanks. I was using the incorrect Description field, there is a related Entity called Originating Email, and when I used the Description field from that, it worked.
Can you just create the record manually through the UI and add the test to the description and see if the record gets set correctly. This just isolates if it is an issue with the workflow or something else.
Let me know if that works. If it doesn't I would make it work in the simple way first and then make sure that it works via the email creating the case.
Thanks for getting back to me. The workflow was running just on create, however I just also added the on change to the Description field, tried again and it still didnt work.
Yes the data is being mapped from the email body to the Description field.
Silly question have you ensured that the workflow runs on create and on change of the given fields.
Is the data being mapped from the email body into the description field?
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