public boolean validateField(FieldId _fieldIdToCheck) { boolean ret; ret = next validateField(_fieldIdToCheck); TaxInformationVendTable_IN tax; if(_fieldIdToCheck == fieldNUm(TaxInformationVendTable_IN, PanNumber)) { while select RecId , PANNumber , VendTable from tax where tax.VendTable != this.VendTable && tax.PanNumber == this.PaNNumber { if(tax) { ret = false; Info(strFmt("@OAB:OABPanNumberExist",tax.PANNumber,tax.vendtable,VendTable::find(tax.VendTable).vendorName())); } } } return ret; }
thankyou i used modified field method and it works fine now
It says that you did it wrong - the method you're trying to use doesn't match the method you're extending.
Please look at modifiedField() method - you'll see that its returned type is void, while you're probably trying to use boolean, but that's not valid for modifiedField().
for modifed field error is coming not coc method and must be a void method
Why is it in validateField() at all? Will you have the same problem in modifiedField() (which sounds like a better place)?
when ret was false it was showing info only one time , when ret is true its showing two times
I am not sure why its looping 6 times. Open "TaxInformationVendTable_IN" in table browser and see how many records against that PAN number - On the table "TaxInformationVendTable_IN" - "Vendor" field is unique. So, I don't think data might not be the issue.
Please review the while select statement you added.
Girish S.
it is looping 6 times
Please debug the code and confirm that the while select you have added is looping 3 times only based on your record.
Girish S.
no , i have also added screenshot inmf9 , inmf7 ,inmf3 is printing two times
Info is not printing 2 times - I guess totally 6 vendors has same PAN number as you have given in the form.
Girish S.
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