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New User Interface - Where is Ctrl + > ?

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Our organisation has just moved over to the new user interface.  One of the features I had previously used (and LOVED) was Ctrl + > to move to the next item in a search result or on a list.  I can't seem to do this any more and was wondering if anyone knows if this feature has been disabled or replaced. It was particularly useful when you had a list of ten tasks/emails/events and you needed to complete one and go on to the next item without having to navigate back through the queue or search results.

  • Suggested answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,874 on at
    RE: New User Interface - Where is Ctrl + > ?

    Hi Sarah,

    In the Unified Interface, when we open a record, the second button "Open record set" on the far left of the command line of the form is used to display view records.


    We can click on it to quickly switch records without having to go back to the view.

    E.g, I enter a task record from the "My Task" view, and then click the "Open record set" button, I can see all the tasks of the "My Task" view, and click on a task to enter the record.





    Please note that this button will only appear in the record form entered from the view.

    If you refresh the page with F5 after entering the record, this button will disappear. This is also true when entering record forms from external links.

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