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Show Plugin Error Message on Dynamics Portals - Site/EnableCustomPluginError Setting

Hi Everyone,Today I was working something on Portal and we do have some validation at the plugin and throwing an InvalidPluginException based on some business logic. However on the Portal, we were not seeing the same message. It was saying somethi...

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Clear Cache and Hard Reload – Google Chrome

Hi Everyone, Whenever we do some changes in JavaScript, Form Changes etc. in Dynamics 365, we all know we must hard reload the browser. And sometime, even hard reload might not work for the first time and we reload the page multiple times to g...

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Distance between two locations - Bing Maps

Hi Everyone,Today I was working on Bing Maps and the requirement was there are some static locations and we have to calculate the distance between the draggable Pushpin and static locations.Here is the full HTML of the same, please make sure ...

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Refresh IFrame in Dynamics 365 UI or UCI

Hi,We all very used to write the piece of the code from this link whenever we need to refresh the IFrame in CRM.Very unfortunately, the same code is not working in Dynamics 365 UI version 9.x on wards. No need to worry on that, we have the work ar...