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Cashflow Assisted Set up & Dimensions

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has anyone had an issue when you run the cash flow assisted set-up the job fails if some of our dimensions are blocked. So once opened then it runs with no issues.
  • Verified answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,263 Super User on at
    Cashflow Assisted Set up & Dimensions
    Unfortunately, as far as I know this is standard behavior. It might be possible if you customize it, but I don’t recommend it personally.
    Hopefully other experts can give you better advice.
  • SammyG Profile Picture
    SammyG 79 on at
    Cashflow Assisted Set up & Dimensions
    Thanks for replying.
    The error message I get is that the dimension value is blocked. It seems odd that you need to open each dimension to run the cash flow assisted set up.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,263 Super User on at
    Cashflow Assisted Set up & Dimensions
    Hi, is there an error message? This seems standard behavior.
    For example,
    Hope this helps.

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