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Word layout, put footer in last page only

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Hi guys, 

I have a requirement to print footer  - only on last page for word layout. I tried that by inserting a section break and disable the link to previous but that prints on new page after the invoice end. 

I am wondering if there is a way, we can show footer on last page for sales invoice word layout. 



  • Word layout, put footer in last page only
    When organizing the document, ensure that the footer is included on the last page only just like our sell tickets online page for reference. This means that any page numbering, document title, or other footer information should only appear on the final page of the document and not on any other pages.

  • Word layout, put footer in last page only
    Extremely simple. Just follow these steps and you can achieve what you want.
    1. On the Ribbon, click the "Layout" tab bob the robber
    2. In the "Page Setup" group, click "Breaks" and select "Next Page" in the "Section Breaks" section.
    3. Scroll to the last page of your document.
    4. Double-click the footer area of the last page.
    Please try it. Hope to have great experiences. 
  • Word layout, put footer in last page only
    Hello, to add a footer that appears only on the last page of a Word document, you can follow these steps:
    1. On the Ribbon, click on the "Layout" tab.
    2. In the "Page Setup" group, click on "Breaks" and select "Next Page" under the "Section Breaks" section. This will insert a section break and create a new section for the last page.
    3.Scroll to the last page of your document.
    4. Double-click on the footer area of the last page. This will activate the footer section for editing.
    5. In the "Header & Footer Tools" Design tab that appears on the Ribbon, check the box that says "Different First Page." This will allow you to have a different footer on the last page.
    6. Design your footer as desired, adding any text, images, page numbers, or other elements you want to include.
    7. Close the footer editing area by double-clicking outside of the footer or by clicking on the "Close Header and Footer" button in the "Header & Footer Tools" Design tab.
  • Suggested answer
    Nitin Verma Profile Picture
    Nitin Verma 20,984 Super User on at
    RE: Word layout, put footer in last page only


    you can try adding footer in Word layout and then add your information in there.


  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,219 Super User on at

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