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Manufacturing Module

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Is the Manufacturing module available in D365 Business Edition? I see articles on the website, but don't see the corresponding functions in D365. Specifically, the How To: Batch Post Production Consumption article details steps that aren't available in my version of D365. Will this update roll out soon. If so, when?

  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 14 on at
    Manufacturing Module
    The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for manufacturing services module isn't part of D365 Business Central's Business Edition. It sounds like those articles might be talking about features in a different version or module that's not included in your current setup. Regarding updates or the rollout of new features, Microsoft does plan updates regularly, but for the most specific info like release dates, it’s best to check out their official release plans or announcements.
  • Chris Bulson Profile Picture
    Chris Bulson on at
    RE: Manufacturing Module

    If you can't edit a window it pretty much has to be a License issue or a Permission Set issue.  I'm about to leave for the day and be gone for a week so I won't be replying again... If nobody else picks this up and you can't figure it out you can open a support case.

  • Amanda Mayer Profile Picture
    Amanda Mayer 205 on at
    RE: Manufacturing Module

    Well, I can now access the Manufacturing Setup window, but cannot edit it.

  • Chris Bulson Profile Picture
    Chris Bulson on at
    RE: Manufacturing Module

    It won't let you switch to 'Premium' if you don't have the licenses for it.  If it did let you, you should now be able to find the 'Manufacturing Setup' window... amongst others, but that is the only one with 'Manufacturing' in the name of the window.

  • Amanda Mayer Profile Picture
    Amanda Mayer 205 on at
    RE: Manufacturing Module

    Alright, so maybe I'm missing something in our licensing? I've changed the experience to Premium but still cannot access the manufacturing functionality.

  • Chris Bulson Profile Picture
    Chris Bulson on at
    RE: Manufacturing Module

    If you have Premium licenses, you need to enable the Premium experience.

  • Amanda Mayer Profile Picture
    Amanda Mayer 205 on at
    RE: Manufacturing Module

    I see that some of the manufacturing fields are now in Business Edition, but it doesn't seem like the functionality is actually there. Am I missing something?

  • Verified answer
    Alexander Ermakov Profile Picture
    Alexander Ermakov 28,088 on at
    RE: Manufacturing Module

    D365 Business Edition does not have Manufacturing functionality, as well as some other functionalities you could have in on-prem version. The newer version, 'Tenerife', that will be released spring of Y2018, will have basically the same code base as on-prem version, thus the majority of the functionality, described for on-prem version, would be valid for that.

  • Verified answer
    Michelle D Profile Picture
    Michelle D on at
    RE: Manufacturing Module

    As far as I have seen, Manufacturing is not released yet; only the Assembly BOMs. I have seen some places planned for Spring 2018, but no confirmed date yet.

  • Verified answer
    Chris Bulson Profile Picture
    Chris Bulson on at
    RE: Manufacturing Module


    The November update included the following:

    Documentation full application scope

    Help for this update contains descriptions of advanced functionality, which may not be visible in your version of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Business edition. The reason for this is that the full application scope, which will be generally available in Spring 2018, has been made available for preview by users accessing through the Sandbox option. To support users with Sandbox access, Help now describes the full application scope. This means that until Spring 2018, you can see descriptions in Help that you may not have access to. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



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