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Expiration date

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When trying to post a Sales credit memo, the below error occurs.
As we have checked, the Expiration date is not mentioned in the Posted Sales Invoice (Item tracking line) page for Items# CAR1588H, but it is mentioned in the Sales credit memo.
Can you please explain, what further actions I need to take to post the sales credit memo; I can’t amend the posted sales invoice.
Thanks & Regards,
Shaikh Zuber
  • Suggested answer
    TeddyH Profile Picture
    TeddyH 12,731 Super User on at
    Expiration date
    Two reasons:
    1) Because you enable the Expiration Date on Item Tracking.
    2) When you are using Sales Credit, you increase the stock. For the sales invoice, you decrease the stock. The Expiration Date is mandatory when you increase the stock.
  • Suggested answer
    Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 3,693 Super User on at
    Expiration date
    if BC asks for the expiration date, it must have been set to yes on the item tracking code setting for that or another item. After transaction has been posted to such item already, you couldn't turn it off. 
    so check which items are requiring the info and populate as such.
    Jun Wang
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,267 Super User on at
    Expiration date
    Hi, this may only take effect for newly created Lot/Serial. You can try deleting and re-creating a new Lot/Serial.
    Hope this helps.
  • Expiration date
    In item tracking code the Require Entry expiration date is Enable, and i tried to disable and post the sales credit memo, then also throwing the same error.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,267 Super User on at
    Expiration date
    Hi, it looks like you have the following setting enabled, try disabling it.
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 4,198 Super User on at
    Expiration date
    In your sales credit memo, you need to select the item and then go to Item Tracking Lines and enter an expiration date.
    If you open the item card for your item, and scroll down to the Item Tracking Code field you should see a value in there. If you open up that Item Tracking Code you will see the Require Expiration Dates as true. This is why the system is asking for an expiration date.
    If the invoice did not ask for an expiration date, was this recently turned on?

    Valentin Castravet
    Zander ERP Services

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