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Inventory count - report on last count date?

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Company is new to Business Central and so am I, we've recently counted a large section of our inventory and would now want to complete the task by counting all the items that do not yet have a last counted date.
We're trying to follow the information available in Count, Adjust, and Reclassify Inventory - Business Central | Microsoft Learn , our location does not use directed put away/pick.
The goal is to implement cycle counting for our inventory.
When we try to calculate the inventory from the physical inventory journal's tasks page, I can't find an option in the filters to target this date field.
I tried using the calculate counting period action, but running it gives us a list of all items, even if the quantity in inventory is 0
How can we print a document or assign tasks to our warehouse staff to count items that have not yet been counted, of which our inventory is not 0?
  • Suggested answer
    Sasa Milanovic Profile Picture
    Sasa Milanovic 5 on at
    Inventory count - report on last count date?
    As one of the comments said before, you could try to use Phys. Inv Orders.
    I'm sending you the link, there are some variations on this proces, so you could look some of them How to use Physical Inventory Orders for structured Inventory Counting - Dynamics 365 Business Central (
    It is in video form, so it will be easy for you to setup it in your database.
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 20 on at
    Inventory count - report on last count date?
    @gdrenteria , do I understand correctly, there's no direct filter for the 'Last Phys Invt Date' field, but using inventory orders will output items when their next counting start date < posting date?
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,263 Super User on at
    Inventory count - report on last count date?
    Hi, you can also try physical inventory order.
    Hope this helps.
  • Suggested answer
    gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 2,827 Super User on at
    Inventory count - report on last count date?
    If you can identify the products by a field, or category, or location, you could filter them from the report.
    Implementing cycle counting functionality will help you a lot.

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