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Footer buttons not showing on Kingsway soft CDS Destination Component

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I'm currently working on a SQL Server integration project using the Kingsway Soft Toolkit. However, I'm encountering an issue where the footer buttons are not visible on the CDS Destination action, and I haven't been able to find any helpful resources to resolve this.

Could anyone please assist me with this problem? I've tried reinstalling Visual Studio, Data Tools, SQL Server, and the Kingsway Soft Toolkit multiple times, but haven't had any success.

I distinctly remember that these buttons were present initially, but they're no longer visible. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • Verified answer
    Siddique mahsud Profile Picture
    Siddique mahsud 11 on at
    Footer buttons not showing on Kingsway soft CDS Destination Component
    Just an update: I managed to see the footer buttons after dragging the component window to a larger screen. Surprisingly, I can now see the buttons even on the smaller screen.
    The issue is resolved now. Thanks!

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