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Virtual entity error when inserting record 'Number VER-000000 does not match format VER-######.'

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Posted on by 3,011
I have a power automate cloud flow that is attempting to insert into my dataverse table that was created from a custom data entity in F&O.
This field is the ServiceOrderId field.  I am attempting to send it a generic value so that it will create a new record using the number sequence specified in F&O.
This data entity works as expected when used with dual-write and custom dataverse tables.  I am able to send a value of '0000' and F&O creates a new ServiceOrderId for the record coming in.
In my dataentity I have overriden the 'initValue' with the following:

    public void initValue()
        if (!this.skipNumberSequenceCheck())
                this, fieldNum(VER_SMAServiceOrderHeaderEntity, ServiceOrderId), SMAParameters::numRefServiceOrderId());
As of yet I have been unable to debug anything coming into my data entity via the virtual entity table in dataverse.
  • Verified answer
    b_radlyjames Profile Picture
    b_radlyjames 3,011 on at
    Virtual entity error when inserting record 'Number VER-000000 does not match format VER-######.'
    The solution to this problem is the following:
    Instead of using the primary key from the underlying table, in this case ServiceOrderId, create a new field and make it the primary key on the staging table and entity.  This will allow the ServiceOrderId value to be blank and the system to generate a value for you.
  • Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Virtual entity error when inserting record 'Number VER-000000 does not match format VER-######.'
    You can check out this document Configure number sequences and autonumber columns when using dual-write - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn, which mentions that during the initial synchronization of dual-write, you may receive an error message similar to one of the following examples:
    Field ABC does not allow editing. Number CE-20000001 does not match format ######. Validations failed.
    Best Regards,

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