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Deactivate route version via job or DMF entity

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Does anybody know a periodic job in D365 to activate/deactivate route versions of released products in a batch?

Or is there any entity to do so?

I was importing routes via entities and for the versions I was using entity Route versions V2 where it is also possible to activate the route version. However, the previous/old route versions can't be set to inactive with this entity. Instead the route version is imported a second time and I get duplicated versions:

Please let me know.



  • Suggested answer
    Dogan Adiyaman Profile Picture
    Dogan Adiyaman 625 User Group Leader on at
    Deactivate route version via job or DMF entity
    The entity is not going to do that automatically for you, you'll need to write a job to do inactivations and activations after the import.
  • Tobiasguebeli Profile Picture
    Tobiasguebeli 8 on at
    Deactivate route version via job or DMF entity
    Hi Markus
    Have you found a solution for this issue? I have the exact same problem now as well.

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