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How do we get Absolute URI in Cloud BC?

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Hi All,
I am looking to get absolute uri in Cloud BC.
Please advise.
  • MadMax33 Profile Picture
    MadMax33 50 on at
    How do we get Absolute URI in Cloud BC?
    Hi Yun Zhu,
    it is callback URL from another 3rd party portal

    i need this 123456789 as another parameter value
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,219 Super User on at
    How do we get Absolute URI in Cloud BC?
    Hi, I'm not sure what the code section (?code=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) you mentioned is, it does not exist in BC's URL Parameters.
    URL Parameters: 
    If this is your customization, you can manually append this part of the content in the text field.
  • MadMax33 Profile Picture
    MadMax33 50 on at
    How do we get Absolute URI in Cloud BC?
    Hi Yun Zhu,
    i tried geturl, but it is not what I'm looking for.
    my url is : ""
    Result : ""
    i am looking for this xxxxxxxxxxx from my callback url from 3rd party
    Please advise.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,219 Super User on at
    How do we get Absolute URI in Cloud BC?
    Hi, I think there is no problem with GetUrl.
    GetUrl(ClientType::Current, CompanyName, ObjectType::Page, Page::"Customer Card", Rec)
    Here is a simple example, I hope it can give you some tips.
    How to generate QR code for Dynamics 365 Business Central Page URL (For example, embed the customer card URL in QR code)
  • Suggested answer
    gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 2,812 Super User on at
    How do we get Absolute URI in Cloud BC?
    I hope this can help you:

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