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Limit One to Many Associations to 1 Record

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We have a One to Many relationship between two entities A and B.
In our application, there is a use case where we only want 1 record to be associated from A to B.
Is it possible to do this somehow?  I.e., detect that a relation has already been made and then not allow more to be made from other entities?
Thanks - Greg.
  • IAmGreg Profile Picture
    IAmGreg 4 on at
    Limit One to Many Associations to 1 Record
    It's on the records themselves... there are some cases where we only want there to be 1 record selection allowed.
  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Limit One to Many Associations to 1 Record
    Hi Greg.
    Is this restriction on the records on the entity or on the entity itself?
    1.Are you thinking that there is only one relationship between entity A and entity B?
    2.Or is only one record on the entities allowed to be associated?
    Or is it something else?

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