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Project Invoice Templates

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Posted on by 145
We have project Invoice Templates, so when we go to the project > View > Original it displays the project Invoice.
On the top left we have a logo and beneath the logo we have an address, but I cant find where these are stored or how you can edit these. I know where the logo can be changed which is Company Formats > Company Logo but not sure where its pulling the address from.
Any pointers much appreciated.
  • Isaac1400 Profile Picture
    Isaac1400 145 on at
    Project Invoice Templates
    I understand this is where it gets it from however it maybe the case that the template is hard coded. The logo appears but cant get the address to come beneath it.
    Thanks and I will let you know when I find out why my set-up is not working when I get the answer.
  • Suggested answer
    Prem Kumar Bachu Profile Picture
    Prem Kumar Bachu 3,401 on at
    Project Invoice Templates
    Firstly, check the address whether that is a company address or customer address. As others said if it is company address, it will fetch from legal entities>addresses, customer address comes from customer master>address fast tab.
  • Suggested answer
    Abhishek Verma Profile Picture
    Abhishek Verma 53 on at
    Project Invoice Templates
    Hello Isaac, 
    The address and logo on the invoice template default from the legal entity configuration. 
    Navigate to - Organization administration> Organization > Legal entity
    These address default based on the purpose defined in legal entity address and mark the address as a primary. 
    Logo on report get fetch from following area
    Best Regards, 
    Abhishek V
  • Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Project Invoice Templates
    As Andre said, the address displayed usually comes from the address information configured in the company settings.

    Best Regards,

  • Andre Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    Andre Arnaud de Cal... 283,183 Super User on at
    Project Invoice Templates
    Hi Isaac,
    The default behavior is getting the address from the Legal entity (Organization administration > Organizations > Legal entity.

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