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Dynamics Podcast Talks Summit 2014 with Andy Hafer

Bob McAdam & Todd McDaniel have been talking all things Microsoft Dynamics at since late May, publishing their 10th episode on Friday October 3rd.  In this particular episode, they tackled our very own Andy Hafer, CEO at Dynamic Communities, to discuss this month's big User Group Summit events in St. Louis, how Dynamic Communities began, and a whole lot more.  It’s a lively interview that covers a variety of areas across the user community.

Since its unique debut, ‘Dynamics Podcast’ has spoken to key resources from across the Microsoft Dynamics space from well-known contributors such as Fastpath, Avalara, Data Masons Software, and Sologlobe.  Additionally, Bob & Todd discuss the news and events within the Dynamics space, providing their insights and opinions along the way.

Please be sure to download the latest ‘Dynamics Podcast’ today or subscribe via RSS or iTunes right from their home page.  You’ll want to hear all that Andy has to say in this enjoyable interview before arriving in St. Louis, where an incredible set of events awaits you!


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