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Printer Selection at Print Time: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013

One thing that has been a thorn in the side of many users of Microsoft Dynamics GP in the past has been the printing setup.  Yes, you can use Named Printers to define default printers for specific reports.  But what about those times when you just want to switch the current default printer for this one report, this one time.

Named Printers will not be of the best help in this situation.  What you really need to do is be able to assign which printer at the time you are printing the report.  With older versions of Microsoft Dynamics GP; if you wanted to change your printer, you would have to change it prior to running the report.  If you forgot and you ran the report, you would be unable to change it once the report was generated, causing you to have to close the report and change the default printer and then run the report a second time.

With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, you now have the ability to change the printer at the time of printing.  No more having to remember to select the correct printer prior to opening the report window, no more re-running of reports because the correct printer was not selected.  Now you can simply select the printer at print time.   This is not a life changing new feature of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, but it most certainly is a valuable addition to a great accounting ERP.

-By Grady Burris – Sr. Consultant – Intelligent Technologies, Inc.

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