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Customer as offset account Dynamics Ax 2012 R3

During one of my customization, I have to transfer customer balance from one customer to another, for this purpose we old customer as debit amount and other customer account as offset.


I used following code Snippet to do so but

LedgerJournalCheckPost  jourCheckPost;

LedgerJournalTable      jourTable;


AxLedgerJournalTable    header  = new AxLedgerJournalTable();

AxLedgerJournalTrans    trans   = new AxLedgerJournalTrans();


container               offsetDim;

LedgerJournalNameId     ledgerJournalNameId = “payment”;

LedgerJournalACType         accType, offsetAccType;

BankAccountTable            bankAccountTable;

accType         = LedgerJournalACType::Cust;

offsetAccType   = LedgerJournalACType::Cust;







select firstOnly RecId from ToCustomer

where ToCustomer.DisplayValue == _ToAccount;



select firstOnly RecId from FromCustomer

where FromCustomer.DisplayValue == _OldAccount;






trans.parmOffsetLedgerDimension (FromCustomer.RecId);;





The above mentioned code works 100 percent fine when I give offset account as ledger or bank ( did not try for vendor :)). But when I used it as customer I don’t know what reason it let empty the as empty, while during debug value is perfectly parked at trans.parmOffsetLedgerDimension


I don’t know it bug in Dynamics Ax 2012 R3, or some issue in my development environment, After 1 hours try and try, I decided to shift the code at line level to insert directly into table. That works perfectly fine and entry is successfully parked and show on screen.

Only one extra line of code I need to add that is set current currency code, which possibly by default set in  ABC classes

New code snippet is something similar at line level


LedgerJournalTrans  trans;



DimensionAttributeValueCombination  FromCustomer,ToCustomer;


LedgerJournalACType         accType, offsetAccType;


accType         = LedgerJournalACType::Cust;

offsetAccType   = LedgerJournalACType::Cust;


trans.AccountType = accType;

trans.OffsetAccountType =offsetAccType;


// ledger Header

trans.JournalNum = _JournalNum;


trans.CurrencyCode = Ledger::accountingCurrency(CompanyInfo::current());


trans.AmountCurDebit = PaymentAmount;



select firstOnly RecId from ToCustomer

where ToCustomer.DisplayValue == _ToAccount;



select firstOnly RecId from FromCustomer

where FromCustomer.DisplayValue == _OldAccount;



trans.LedgerDimension =FromCustomer.RecId;

trans.OffsetLedgerDimension = ToCustomer.RecId;




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